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Book Review: A Gathering Midnight by Holly Race

"In a city that sleeps, the darkness is gathering...

For Londoner Fern King, Annwn is her second home - the dream mirror of London, the city she loves. An astonishing world, a world where Dreamers walk in their slumber, their dreams playing out all around them. And Fern, along with her twin brother Ollie, is now a Knight, a trusted guardian and protector of those Dreamers - and every night is spent in Annwn, fulfilling that previously only-imagined destiny to guard those who sleep.

But Annwn, this dark and golden city, is a fragile place. There are those who seek to control and to ruin it - mistrust and secrets are rife, and as the delicate symbiotic balance between Annwn and our own world begins to topple, rips begin to appear between the fabric of the worlds. And Fern and Ollie will have to do all in their power to protect this place that has become so precious to them..."

Pages: 408


I received A Gathering Midnight by Holly Race for free in exchange for an honest review as part of a blog tour organised by Kaleidoscopic Tours. Thank you so much to Holly Race, Hot Key Books YA and Kaleidoscopic Tours for having me on the tour!

I recently read Midnight's Twins and really enjoyed it so I was so excited to be invited on the tour for the sequel! The concept is so fun and fantastic for a book series and I really like how it has been executed over the two books. Plus I also need to praise how stunning these covers are! I also loved how I accidentally matched my PJ's to the cover of the sequel!

In A Gathering Midnight we rejoin our knights Fern & Ollie as they are doing their best to recover and protect the remaining dreamers of Annwn. They've got a heavy burden on their shoulders and everyone is looking to them to defeat the evil Sebastien Medraut and return hope to the magical dreamland.

This instalment in the trilogy offers even more action, new romance and plenty of heartbreak. I loved how we as readers get to spend more time in Annwn, the worldbuilding is fleshed out even more and is gorgeous! I wish I could visit Annwn in my dreams! Also it was nice to get to know even more about the other characters, especially their backstories and about their lives in the real world. Plus, I really loved the LGBTQIA+ rep that was developed - a super nice surprise for Pride Month!

A Gathering Midnight is an exciting and powerful sequel that showcases just how important our voices are especially when standing up for what's right! I can't wait to see what happens next. Thank you so much for the opportunity to be on this tour!

Thank you for reading my thoughts, you can also find me on my Twitter and Instagram! Let me know if you have any recommendations of what I should read next.

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