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Feasible Planet - Ken Kroes (Blog Tour)

"Are we doing enough?

Are you concerned about the state of our planet and hope that governments and corporations will find a sustainable way for us to live? If you do not think about it too hard, that may work, but will it? Left on their own, with drivers of popularity and profits, I am not convinced that it will.

The missing part of this equation is you and me. Individuals who believe that corporations and governments can do better. Individuals who believe that through action, we can buy a bit more time to develop and implement solutions to address our critical sustainability issues.

Did I hear a groan out there when you read the word 'actions'? Do not worry! Most of the actions that I am referring to will not only help save the planet, but will benefit you right away by saving money, time, better health, and having a happier life in general.

Sustainability goes beyond controlling our consumption and pollution. There are key social, political, and economic areas that need to be addressed and there are numerous steps that individuals can take to help.

For those of you who feel we could do more, this book is for you and is loaded with actionable activities, the reasons for doing them, and explores why we are not doing them already.

Every journey starts with a first step. Hopefully this book will lead to those first sustainable steps and that will change the world."

Pages: 320


I received Feasible Planet by Ken Kroes for free in exchange for an honest review as part of a blog tour for Love Books Tours. Love Books Tours offer book tours, cover reveals, book blitzes and more! If you'd like to know more or join the host family then please check out their website, Twitter and Instagram!

Make sure to follow all of the other awesome bloggers also on this tour!

Feasible Planet explores the ways in which we as individuals can live more sustainably and do our part to save the planet. Although it may not always seem like it, the little choices we make can collectively make a big difference. This book is a great starting point to help you and others live more sustainably.

As soon as I saw this book I knew I wanted to read it because I have been trying my best to become more environmentally conscious, especially with the deadline that the scientists have now given us. I've mostly been doing the little things. For example, I'm already a vegetarian but I've been trying more vegan products and I am now completely on almond milk instead of regular milk! (Plus on a side note I don't get stomach aches anymore - lactose intolerant who knew! 😂)

I've also been inspired by the courageous and amazing actions from the group Extinction Rebellion and Greta Thunberg. They have made me want to do more and be better for our planet!

Feasible Planet gives great advice and ways of helping that are actually practical and achievable. Plus at the end of each chapter, the author offers fantastic resources such as apps you can download or websites that you can visit which will help you on your sustainability journey.

I really like that the book addresses all kinds of audiences, young and old, and is truly a book that everyone can read that is not at all patronising. The information is delivered carefully so that it is not overwhelming and in an understandable way.

Also I thought that the format of the book was really cool! After the introduction the reader is left to choose which chapters they would like to read in whatever order they like. Although I would definitely recommend reading the whole book.

Feasible Planet is interesting, shocking and thought provoking. If you're looking for ways to make your everyday actions more sustainable then you need tread this book! Feasible Planet is available on Amazon and can also be found on GoodReads. Thank you again to the author and Love Books Tours for the opportunity to read it, you can also find me on Twitter and Instagram!

About the Author

Ken Kroes is the author of the Percipience Eco-Fiction Series and the non-fiction books, Feasible Planet and Feasible Living. He is passionate about our relationship with our planet and applies his diverse background which includes agriculture, mechanical engineering and information systems into his writing. Born in Calgary, Canada he has bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and has had the pleasure of living in many locations in North America and has travelled extensively.

He can be reached at and on Twitter.

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