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The Weighing of the Heart - Paul Tudor Owen (Blog Tour)

"'Sooner or later, everybody comes to New York...'

Following a sudden break-up, Englishman in New York Nick Braeburn takes a room with the elderly Peacock sisters in their lavish Upper East Side apartment, and finds himself increasingly drawn to the priceless piece of Egyptian art on their study wall - and to Lydia, the beautiful Portuguese artist who lives across the roof garden.

But as Nick draws Lydia into a crime he hopes will bring them together, they both begin to unravel, and each finds that the other is not quite who they seem."

Pages: 240


I received The Weighing of the Heart by Paul Tudor Owen for free in exchange for an honest review as part of a blog tour for Love Books Tours. Love Books Tours offer book tours, cover reveals, book blitzes and more! If you'd like to know more or join the host family then please check out their website, Twitter and Instagram!

Make sure to check out all of the other awesome bloggers on this tour! The review is also up on my bookstagram!

Trigger Warnings: drug misuse, swearing

In The Weighing of the Heart by Paul Tudor Owen, our main character is Nick Braeburn. An Englishman in New York who has recently lost his girlfriend, his job and his apartment. Luckily, he is taken in by the eccentric Peacock sisters. However, trouble starts when he and his beautiful neighbour take advantage of their kindness and commit a despicable crime.

Nick is a polite, unassuming and perfectly nice character but it's not quite enough to cover all of the skeletons in his closet. He quickly falls for Lydia, the classic next door, both connected by their love for Egyptian art based on Egyptian mythology. However, there is a thin line between love and obsession which is a definitely theme throughout the book! As we all know, obsession feeds into paranoia and Nick's true colours are soon revealed.

There was amazing imagery and fantastic writing all throughout this book. I loved how Ancient Egyptian mythology was woven seamlessly alongside the storytelling. I knew it was going to be my kind of book when I read the blurb, so it's no surprise that I read it in one sitting and loved it!

The Weighing of the Heart is a great mystery and perfect for fans of The Goldfinch!

The Weighing of the Heart is available on Amazon and GoodReads. Thank you again to Paul Tudor Owen and Love Books Tours for the opportunity to read it, you can also find me on Twitter and Instagram! It has also been shortlisted for the People's Book Prize 2020, if you can the author would really appreciate if you could vote for him here!

About the Author

Paul Tudor Owen was born in Manchester in 1978 and was educated at the University of Sheffield, the University of Pittsburgh, and the London School of Economics.

He began his career as a local newspaper reporter in north-west London, and currently works at the Guardian, where he spent three years as deputy head of US news at the paper's New York office.

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